International Journal of Engineering Mathematics (Online) 2025-01-17T07:57:28+00:00 S. G. Ahmed Open Journal Systems KINEMATICS OF A SELF-ROTATTING CUTTER AS A FACTOR OF INCREASING TOOL LIFE AND PROCESS PRODUCTIVITY 2025-01-17T07:57:28+00:00 Akbatjon Jumaev Shokhrukh Jakhonov Abdurashidkhon Muzaffarov <p>Information is presented on the kinematics of a self-rotating cutter as a factor in increasing tool life and process productivity. According to it, it is possible to increase the productivity of the cutting process with existing tool materials if a cutting process scheme is created that allows reducing the temperature, speed and pressure in the cutting zone without reducing the cutting modes. This type of cutting is most effectively performed in cutters with a circular cutting edge when this edge rotates around its geometric axis. The results of theoretical studies are presented on the fact that in circular self-rotating cutters, the rotation of the cutting part is carried out by the moment of cutting forces relative to the geometric axis of the circular cutting edge.</p> 2025-01-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Engineering Mathematics (Online)