The article presents opinions on the modern condition and economic indicators of belt conveyors in mining, agriculture and light industry enterprises today. The recommended values of the angular velocity of vibration range of roller mechanisms with belt conveyor belt element bearing support on the technological resistance and the dependence of the angular velocity on the increase of various loads have been presented.
. A. Djuraev, B.N. Davidbaev, A.S. Jumaev. Improvement of the design of the belt conveyor and scientific basis for calculation of parameters. Global Book Publishing Services is an International Monograph & Textbook Publisher. Copyright 24 may 2022 by GBPS. 10.37547/gbps 03. ISBN 978 1 957653 03 7 , FL 32805, USA. 151 p.
. A. Djuraev, A.S. Jumaev, M.M. Abduraxmanova. Analysis of the results of physical and mechanical experimental studies of the modernized belt conveyor // Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2573 (2023) 012012. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742 6596/2573/1/012012
. A.S. Jumaev, A.A. Ashirov, N.I. Ibragimova. Analysis of angular velocities of belt conveyor drums and conveyor load change dependence on technological resistance. Q1 technology news and reviews Volume 1, No. 1, February 2024.
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. A. Djuraev, A.S. Jumaev, N.I. Ibragimova, M.Y. Turdaliyeva. Analysis of the dynamics of a belt conveyor with composite guide rollers and elastic elements // Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2573 (2023) 012026. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742 6596/2573/1/012026
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. A.S. Jumaev, M.Y. Turdaliyeva, N.I. Ibragimova. Dynamic analysis of machine assembly of belt conveyor with roller mechanisms with composite belt elements. British View ISSN 2041 3963 Volume 7 Issue 3 2022 DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7139012. Impact factor 8.528 SJIF 2022: 4.629.
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. A.S. Jumaev, N.I. Ibragimova, M.Y. Turdaliyeva. Analysis of vertical and flushing vibration of belt element bearings of belt conveyor roller mechanisms. Academic leadership. ISSN 1533 7812 Vol: 21 Issue 3 http://academicleadership.org/ DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7138635.