
synthetic winterizer, holofiber, thinsulate, slimtech, wool, steam, batting, cotton, wool, sherstepon, mineral wool, insulation layer, construction, technology, fabric


The creation and research of a package of materials for men's outerwear that meets the functional and operational requirements, taking into account the climatic conditions of Uzbekistan, is an urgent task.
In order to form a package of men's clothing, clothing in a new assortment was developed and researched using textile material, taking into account its physical and mechanical features.
Types of insulating layer for outerwear, surface density, compliance with certain temperature conditions, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as air-permeable and heat-saving properties of the package samples were studied in the “SENTEX.UZ” certification laboratory at the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry. As an insulating layer for outerwear, a package of samples of mineral wool prepared from natural raw materials produced in uzbekistan was prepared, the physical and mechanical properties of which were compared with the samples of the package. As the results of the study showed, the lightness, dimensional stability, and heat retention of mineral wool turned out to be higher than that of existing insulation layers. To form a package of outerwear, it is recommended to deeply analyze the properties of each insulating material and choose a package of materials taking into account the climatic conditions of Uzbekistan.



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